Am I lazy if I sign up to a meal delivery company?

Why Meal Delivery Plans Are A Good Idea

Our days are becoming busier and busier. We barely have enough time in a day to do all the essentials let alone find the time and energy to plan what we would like to eat, go to one or more grocery stores to find the necessary ingredients, and then have energy left to cook tasty, nutritious meals.

Imagine a world where the guess work is taken out for you. No more understanding confusing recipes and intolerance rules. No more time-consuming grocery shop trips. No need to chop, weigh and precisely measure ingredients. Losing hours of you time (and your patience). No more guess work! Just tasty, nutritious meals, delivered to your door. Ready to heat up when you need.

You might think, ‘but I could make this cheaper at home myself!’. Maybe you could. But you won’t. If you ever had the intention of spending your Sunday making instagram worthy ‘watching the sun rise at the farmers market!’ Or ‘#SundayMealPrepping’, you wouldn’t have been googling ‘sassiest vegan meal delivery company in Melbourne’. At the end of the day, what is you time worth.

Benefits Of Vegan Meal Delivery

The price of the meal is not just the cost of the produce. It is the time spent creating and trialling new recipes; the time needed to select the best produce; the effort required to chop, weight, cook, package and label the meals. And finally, the time and energy to deliver the meal/s right to your door (sometimes by me... on a pushbike).

Adding on the additional level of having to cater to an allergy or intolerance makes the entire process even more tiresome. I have been there. Feeling deflated and exhausted by the thought of having to understand and cook becomes an unenjoyable chore. 

I accepted that there was no easy way and I was either destined to lose hours from my week (and my sanity) or have to put up with debilitating symptoms; realistically resulting in losing more time curled up on the couch or becoming familiar with a public rest room, than I would have lost cooking from scratch.

Let us at Passel Foods take that stress away for you!

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Am I lazy if I sign up to a meal delivery company?

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The information, blogs, educational series, interviews, podcasts, general material, videos, and all other content shared on the Passel Foods website or social media platforms are intended solely for informational and educational purposes. They do not intend to diagnose, treat, cure, manage or prevent any disease or illness. The author(s) make no guarantee or warranty regarding the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information provided, and shall not be liable for any content presented. It is always recommended to consult a professional medical practitioner for specific medical advice before making any changes to your current diet or lifestyle.

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